Many people think that brushing their teeth is enough to keep gum diseases and cavities away. The truth of the matter is that brushing only eliminates a small percentage of germs, which breed in large areas where your toothbrush cannot adequately reach. So what can you do to ensure your dental health is adequately taken care of? Aside from regular teeth brushing - flossing and frequent dental visits to the dentist in Buckinghamshire are crucial for a healthy mouth.
Why won’t brushing alone remove all your plaque?
While brushing is a significant contributor to optimising oral hygiene, the practice is not enough to keep your mouth clean and disease free. Despite the heads of brushes being small in size, they cannot fit in those hard-to-reach spaces where plaque accumulates. For this reason, you should floss your teeth after you brush them to remove the bacteria left behind.
How does one properly floss?
Flossing is a habit that is trickier to perfect than brushing, and many use the wrong technique. The trick to flossing is not to saw into your gums but pull against each tooth while moving it up and down. You can dislodge the food particles and debris from small spaces more easily than normal brushing if you learn to floss properly.
Is mouthwash necessary?
It is a good idea to end your cleansing ritual by rinsing your mouth with antiseptic mouthwash for that extra clean. The action of gargling will help bring leftover bits, overlooked by brushing and flossing, to the surface for you to spit out.
Are bi-annual dental appointments really necessary?
No one likes it, but your twice-a-year dental visits help to keep your dental hygiene in check. These sessions with your dental practitioner help to identify dental issues in their infancy. Early diagnosis means easier treatments, which means less time spent in the dentist’s chair, and spending less money for you. Additionally, your dentist can assist with preventing avoidable dental issues by demonstrating the proper brushing techniques if he or she can see that you are not paying enough attention to your pearly whites and gums.
How does my diet play a part in keeping my teeth strong and healthy?
Contrary to some people’s beliefs, brushing and taking care of your teeth is only part of the solution for achieving perfect dental health. What you eat can affect your teeth, where sweets cause cavities and sticky food can contribute to the erosion of your teeth. Changing your diet to one that is more balanced can have a huge impact on your oral health. Try to reduce your sugar intake, avoid sugary drinks and acidic food, while incorporating more vegetables and fruit into your diet. With regards to meat, try sticking to lean protein, such as chicken or fish. Calcium is necessary, but many people struggle with deficiencies which often cause osteoporosis. Osteoporosis is a diseasepyg that degenerates bone, but it also affects the jaw and teeth. Incorporating more calcium can reduce your risk of contracting osteoporosis significantly for healthier bones and pearly whites.