Invisalign: Clearly a Popular Choice

Invisalign in Weybridge is fast becoming a popular choice in teeth straightening for both teenagers and adults alike. This procedure is a convenient and fast way to improve the appearance and health of a smile as treatment on average only takes around a year to complete. People can however take as long as they like with the system, they normally discuss their plans with their dentist in order to create a unique treatment plan. Millions of people are overjoyed and it is not hard to see why. People these days are demanding to have beautiful and straight teeth without needing to undergo a lot of complicated treatments in order to obtain it. With the use of this system, they are able to discreetly straighten their teeth and are free to eat whatever they want to and do not have to use any specialised tools to clean their teeth either. By simply removing the device in order to eat and brush their teeth before placing it back in, they can follow their normal oral hygiene routine with ease. 

What is this treatment? 
This treatment is a system that straightens teeth using complex technology to move teeth in small increments with the use of several clear straightening devices. A patient receives a new set of aligners every two weeks and continues to replace the aligners for several months until their ideal smile has been set. A lot of research has been put in to the planning phase of this treatment and patients are able to enjoy realistic representations of what they may expect thanks to this technology. With this virtual 3D treatment plan that can be offered during the initial consultation, people can see for themselves the series of steps that their smile will go through in order to achieve the finished look that they are waiting to see. Aligners are digitally built to move teeth in the most beneficial and effective way over time in order to straighten them in the most comfortable way possible. It is required that they be worn for a minimum of 22 hours a day in order to expect the results that are offered by the dental care professional. 

What are the benefits of this treatment? 
Aside from having the beautiful straight teeth that they have always wanted, patients can benefit from a number of other advantages from having this form of treatment done as well. Many people report that their day time snacking decreases drastically purely because they do not want to have to remove their retainers, eat and then brush their teeth before reapplying them. This means that the 4pm chocolate bar might be a thing of the past and a person’s overall health will benefit enormously by it. 

Is it suitable for me?
By having an open talk with their dentist, patients are able to decide for themselves whether this treatment will be a suitable process to enable them to have the smile of their dreams. By providing their patients with the appropriate information, dentists can make sure their patients make an informed decision that can potentially change their lives for the better.